
Forma is a skin tightening technology that relies on thermal heat produced by radiofrequency energy. The procedure is completely non-invasive, so there are no incisions or scarring. Because tissue trauma is minimal, Forma requires no downtime or recovery, placing it in the category of “lunch time” treatments.


Forma skin treatment is highly effective for skin tightening around the face, nasolabial folds, jowls, neck, and knees. If you have areas with a dimpled appearance, Dr. Baker may recommend a Forma cellulite treatment.


The Retreat Restorative & Aesthetics offers free consultations with Dr. Joshua Baker, so you can find out if Forma is your best option as well as other details, such as the cost of treatment. We also explain our financing options through CareCredit®, LendingUSA® and GreenSky®. Each treatment plan is customized to the patient and will be discussed during your personalized consultation. Eight treatments are recommended for maximum results.


Am I a Candidate for Forma?

Our Forma skin treatment is best suited for men and women with age-related wrinkles that are caused by loose skin.

How is Forma Performed?

A Forma treatment feels like a hot stone massage. A device is placed gently on the skin, and radiofrequency energy is administered via two electrodes.

What is Recovery Like After Forma?

After your Forma skin treatment, you see a noticeable improvement in the texture of your skin. Your skin may be slightly red, but the coloration is not significant enough for you to avoid any social situations.

How Long Do the Results of Forma Last?

The length of time that Forma skin tightening lasts varies by patient. Dr. Baker can provide these details during the consultation once he evaluates your skin and extent of laxity and wrinkles.